søndag den 24. juni 2012

Rene Gurskov ss13

Danish super extravagant designer, René Gurskov, just released the press info for the coming ss13 collection: "Lucky". The collection draws inspiration from first and foremost the all time summer classic by the late Donna Summer also called "Lucky". The lucky collection ss13 is dedicated to that special moment described in "Lucky":

Lucky comes easy 
Lucky's not shy 
And if you're lucky 
You'll go for a ride, for a ride 

René Gurskov about the collection:

Some people tell me it’s about a one night stand!
Anyway, sometimes there are moments where you get lucky – you meet the right boy/girl – the clothes are right and the music is loud and above it all the disco ball is rotating!

For ss13 we want to dress guys – both the cool and the cute – for that night. He is wearing red lace/latex tracksuits or metal glitzy disco sweats with floral short shorts. Another night draped lace on a sailor’s tee-shirt with army boxers with half a skirt.

Some might call it feminine – I call it modern.
Get lucky tonight – catch that moment

Donna Summer (1948-2012) in loving memory

Photos by: Kasper Harup-Hansen / www.kasperharup-hansen.com
Styling: Marie W /  foxjump management
Model: Rene Daniel / 1st option cph / specimen NY
Grahics: Ron Wan / www.ronwan.com

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